118 Islamabad Capital Police Jobs | Apply Now

Islamabad capital police jobs the government of Pakistan Ministry of Interior has announced exciting job opportunities for executive staff positions in the Islamabad capital police for 2024. this recruitment drives into full 918 vacancies across 2 key roles: Assistant sub-inspector ASI and constable these openings present a valuable opportunity for Pakistani nationals to serve their country.

Overview of Islamabad Capital Police Jobs

Assistant Sub-inspector ASI | BS – 11 |

The Islamabad capital police are taking to recruit 118 assistant sub-inspectors this mid-level position offers a great opportunity for those aspiring to fill a career in law enforcement.

Constable | BS – 07 |

A total of 800 constable positions are available making this the largest of the two recruitment drivers constable form the backbone of the police force playing a crucial role in day to day operations and community policing.

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Eligibility criteria For Islamabad Capital Police Jobs

  • Age limit both positions have an age limit of 18 – 25 years ensuring a young and dynamic workforce for the Islamabad Capital police.
  • The educational requirement for ASI |BS-11| candidates must process a BA / BSC or equivalent degree from a recognized University For constable |BS-07| a matric certificate or equivalent from the recognized board is required.
  • Physical standards both position has specific physical requirements to ensure candidates are fit for the demanding nature of police work.

Minimum Height

  • Men’s height is 5 feet 7 inches, and women height 5 ft 2 inches.
  • Chest measurement for men is only 33 x 34 1/2 inches.
  • Endurance test male candidates 1.5 miles in 10.5 minutes female candidates 1.5 miles in 15 just minutes.

Islamabad Capital Police Jobs ASI |BS – 11| Quota

Open Merit506359
Sindh (Rural)6107
Sindh (Urban)4--4
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa6100
NA / FATA2--2

Constable |BS – 07| Quotas

Open Merit3404020400
Sindh (Rural)343342
Sindh (Urban)231128
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa394445
NA / FATA101112

Mandatory requirements candidate

Those who are shortlisted need to produce the following original certificate / document at the time of the physical test / interview.

  • CNIC issued by Nadra academic certificate domicile certificate.
  • 2 passport size photographs with a blue background.
  • Free Davit Duly countersigned by district coordination officer | DCO | in case of applying against minorities non Muslim quota.

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Application Process for Islamabad Capital Police Jobs

While specific details about the application process are not provided in the image interested candidates should keep an eye on the official government website and newspapers for more information on how to apply the application will likely need to be submitted through a design-rated portal for office.

Islamabad Capital Police Jobs

Official WebsiteApply Now
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All Jobs:Visa Sponsor jobs

Benefits of Islamabad Capital Police Jobs

  • Job security is one of the most significant benefits of a career with the Islamabad Capital Police job security as a government position it provides stability and assurance of continued employment which is particularly appealing in uncertain economic times.
  • Departmental salaries and allowances police officers in Islamabad capital police received competitive salaries aligned with their pay scales BPS 11 for ASI and BPS 07 for constables. Additionally, they are entitled to various allowances such as housing medical, and transport allowances which enhance their overall compensation package.
  • Health and medical fitness employees of Islamabad capital police have access to comprehensive health and medical benefits this includes coverage for medical expenses access to government hospitals and special medical facilities designated purple for personnel and their families.
  • Pension and pension and retirement benefits a career in Islamabad capital police includes the benefit of a government pension upon retirement this ensures financial stability and security in post-retirement life, allowing officers to retire with peace of mind knowing they have a steady income.

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The Islamabad capital police jobs 2024 offers an excellent opportunity for Pakistani nationals to embark on a rewarding career in law enforcement with 918 positions available across ASI and constable roles. The detailed quota system shows representation from various reasons and communities promoting diversity within the force interested candidates should carefully review the eligibility criteria prepare the necessary documents and stay updated on the applications to make a significant contribution to maintaining peace and order in the heart of Pakistan.

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